Tips for a Long-Lasting Manicure

Having lovely nails can lead to an increased sense of self confidence, which is great for women who are on the go and have a high powered career. But, how many times have you looked down to see that your nails have seen better days? How many times have you seen cracked nails and just figured that you’ll go over them once with some inexpensive nail polish before rushing out of the door?

A Manicure Is the Best Way to Go

Of course, it’s easy enough to swish on the inexpensive nail polish and go, but it’s actually better to take a little more time and do a proper manicure. In fact, a well-done manicure can last for quite a few weeks. Here are some tips:

  • Clean your nails properly: If you really want to get the nail polish to stick, the thing to do first is to swish each of your nails with some nail polish remover. This does two things: it gets rid of any old nail polish; and it also gets rid of any oils that might interfere with a new coat.
  • Top coating is essential: Rather than just leave the raw nail polish to the elements, it’s important to use a top coat. This final layer means that your nails are not as likely to chip or become damaged.
  • Don’t forget the tips: Did you know that the tips of your fingernails are the most likely place you’ll get cracks or damage? This is why it’s so important to add an extra layer of top coat to the tips to protect them.
  • Cold water wash: Once you’ve finished painting your nails, you can speed up drying them by soaking them in really cold water for a while. This is ideal for people who are on the go and don’t necessarily have a lot of time for drying.
  • More top coat: Just on top coats again: you should probably apply a new layer of top coat each day. This helps to protect your nails and extends the life of the manicure.
  • Fix any cracks: Inevitably, you’ll get little nicks and cracks in your nail polish. If you do, make sure that you repaint that area and then go over everything again with the top coat.

Feel Better with Great Nails

If you don’t have time to get a professional manicure done, you can do one yourself by sticking to the above advice. This will extend the life of your nails and ensure that you feel great every day.

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